Monday, April 29, 2013

The Amazing Race

Well, it has been a busy, fun, and exciting few weeks!  We have seen some amazing results from our amazing challenges!  Teams have gone above and beyond in their attempts to earn points and experience this 'missional life'.

Now that we have experienced it, have we gotten a taste for it?  Will we be able to continue the momentum?  Now, we really packed a lot of missional activities into a month, and it isn't realistic to think that any family would continue at that pace, but have our eyes been opened?  Will we see more opportunities in the future?  Will we have the courage to follow-through on the opportunities we see in front of us?

Games are fun - Challenges are exciting, especially when there is a big prize at the end to work toward.  But the goal in RFamily Church's Amazing Race isn't about winning a trip to Branson - it is to spark a new attitude, to open eyes and hearts, to begin to see the people around us with a new perspective.

Every day, in just little ways, you can share God's love with those around you.  Let yourself open up to what God has in store for your day and follow Him where He leads.  The Race has just begun and it is going to be AMAZING!