Monday, May 2, 2011


I am very curious.

On Facebook and on Twitter I see many who are saying that they are not rejoicing at the news that Osama bin Laden is dead.  I find that very difficult to believe.
They say that they mourn the death of a man who will spend eternity in hell, separated from God.
I have to admit - I rejoiced.  I rejoiced for the end of fear.  I rejoiced for the end of his reign of terror.  I rejoiced at justice served.  I rejoiced at closure that was a decade in coming.  I rejoiced in relief.  I feel safer.  Am I safer?  No.  But my first reaction - my gut - my 'self' - rejoiced.
I did not ever wish this man dead.  I wished that this man would be caught - would be captured - would be stopped.  This is what I rejoiced in.  Not his death, but at the fact that he was stopped.
Do I wish that Osama bin Laden could have been reached with the gospel?  Of course!  If someone could have led the man to Christ I would have rejoiced - and still would have demanded a lifelong detainment!  I would have rejoiced, because with his gift of persuasion he could have reached many more from his culture.

But what I'm REALLY curious about - what really is bugging me - is so many posts about salvation of Osama bin Laden.  These people seem very concerned with saving everyone.  What about their neighbors?  What about the kids on the block where they live?  What about the skaters downtown?  Do they post about how badly they feel when they find themselves eternally lost?  I wonder.

If as many people shared the love of Christ in their neighborhoods and workplaces as posted concern for Osama bin Laden's salvation, I believe this world would look very different today.....

what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. A-FREAKING-MEN! totally with you on this one, Jill. :) I love your blogs, and always agree with what you say. thanks!
