Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Sometimes the smallest post or comment, intended to inform or bring joy to someone, can cut deeply into the heart of another. Do we think before we post words, knowing that everyone who is following us will see it?  Do we post comments with seeming love and joy to one person, knowing that it may cut another's heart?

I'm sure many of the posts and comments that cut into my heart are not meant to hurt, but they do. It makes me stop and wonder if comments and posts I make cut into others' hearts.  I have had to stop following/unfriend people when posts that hurt became too much for me to bear - and it put walls up that may never come down. That hurts too, but occasionally one big hurt is easier to heal from than continual small ones. 

Please, as you post and comment, think before you hit 'send'. There are often hundreds of people on your social media pages who will see your words. If what you will post will hurt someone, is it worth it?  Does it need to be said?  Could it be said privately?

Now, of course, there are situations we are unaware of and people who are in places in their lives when jealousy in their own hearts causes the pain, but we can do our part and stop to think before we post.  Surely some saved pain is worth the thought.....

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