There is a new viral video going around about a Flash Mob "Hallelujah Chorus" Sing at a local mall food court. It's all over facebook, and I'm sure it's all over elsewhere.
Being from the midwest, we 'get' stuff so much slower than the rest of the world... (it doesn't help that I'm old, too! LOL) so I wanted to learn more about the craze. I'm familiar with the Flash Mob concept. I just wanted to see how it was being played out now around the world.
Here is a video I found and liked. There are many out there, but while I was watching this one I had a few thoughts I wanted to share...
Ok... here are a LOT of college-aged kids who want to do something really cool - so what do they do? They plan. They prepare. They practice. Then they go out and perform for a random crowd. There is no advertisement. There is no bow at the end. There are no programs for name recognition. (There is eventually a video, but that's not what makes it fun) They just want to go out and surprise people and make them happy!
Wow. Think about that and what it says about this generation we just watched.
This is not a 'gimme' generation. This is a 'show me' generation.
You love me? Show me.
You want to be my friend? Show me.
You have to walk your talk - show them that you mean what you say through your actions.
That's a hard row to hoe! How often do your words and your actions take separate paths? I know I'm getting bonked on the head right now!
Just something to think about next time you find yourself Above the Canopy.
so true!!! why not a flash mob for Jesus? hm? we would be interested in something like that. maybe a comedic Bible story to start us out, then get more serious. ya never know.