Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wonderful Noise

I am sitting in the family room fighting to hear the TV over all the noise in the house - wonderful noise - beautiful noise - blessed noise!  Samantha had a friend spend the night AND Beth had a friend spend the night.  Believe it or not, the four of them are playing together SO well!  Originally, Samantha and her friend we going to sleep in the family room and Beth and her friend would have the bedroom, but they ended up all four in the bedroom together and have been inseparable all morning too!  What a joy!

Then there is Jacob - right now he has two-that's right, TWO- friends in his room!  Of course, he is grounded from all things electronic until he finally unpacks his room and puts all the junk away, but they are here and they are helping him pick up (sort of).  They are noisy, they are obnoxious, and I am loving it all!

The laundry is running, the dishwasher is running, the kids are all playing, and I am sitting here just smiling all the way to my heart.  Thank you, God, for Your leadership and guidance - we wouldn't be here but for following You!

(Oh, and while I write this, the older girls went on a bike ride to a friend's house and now are on their way to the gas station for snacks - LOVE IT!)

Basking in His Glory and the Wonderful Noise!

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